What a Month!
What a month! September 2022 has been an exciting one for Blackthorn: we were incredibly proud to be finalists for no less than 4 awards and... won 2 of them.
Firstly, Blackthorn Salt won the sustainability Pioneer Award at the Speciality and Fine Food Fair 2022.
To be recognised for our sustainable innovation work was so exciting given everything that is happening in that area at the moment and we know that a lot of this was down to the public voting, so THANK YOU ALL so much, we are super chuffed and really grateful, although we will keep at it - there is always more that can be worked on in terms of Sustainability.
The September success continued...
Blackthorn Salt also won the weighty Primary Producer of the Year at [Scotland Food & Drink Excellence Awards](https://excellenceawards.foodanddrink.scot/2022-winners). It was a surreal evening, with a hugely impressive amount of foodie knowledge all in one room. We were especially thrilled to be recognised in this capacity as this industry accolade really reflects the team effort that we put into everything that we do, from the concept and strategy to the sales, marketing and design to the production and packaging.  It was fantastic to see so many Blackthorn partners doing brilliantly too, from craft butchers - [MacDuff](https://www.macduffbeef.co.uk/) \- to smoked salmon producers [Sutherlands of Portsoy](https://sutherlandsofportsoy.scot/). Thank you so much to the organisers for managing such a challenging evening so well, despite circumstances, and congratulations to all of the other finalists: so much work and passion!